
Hi! My name is Courtney, and I’ll be your Health and Wellness Coach at Aspect!

My personalized coach approach is rooted in compassion, empathy, and a deep understanding of our body’s innate healing capacity. Together, along with the data obtained from a continuous glucose monitor, we can uncover sustainable, realistic lifestyle modifications suited uniquely for you! ☺️

<aside> 🎬 **Here, you can find a quick video that provides more detail on the coaching process.**


You can view it whenever is most convenient for you, but the key takeaways are:


• Our main communication format is messaging in the chat 💬 so please feel free to ask any questions here; I will be happy to help guide and support you!

How to get the most out of using a CGM (Continuous Glucose Monitor)

To get the most out of using a CGM, it’s important to remember that:

• The sensor should be scanned at least every 8 hours. Ideally, you want to do a scan after each meal.

• I recommend utilizing the app often by logging your meals, activity, stress, and any additional notes you feel comfortable sharing with me (for example, your sleep quality or energy of the day).

Expectations moving forward

• We all have different needs and preferences, so if there’s a preference that you have when it comes to communication, just let me know at anytime, and I will be happy to honor that.

• It would be great to hear more about your goals and expectations for optimizing your health and wellness! I am here to support and guide you, as little or as much as you are comfortable with.

• Please feel free to share any and as much information in the chat so we can get started!

<aside> 💫 I look forward to working together and being an integral part of your health journey to improve all aspects of your well-being! See you in the chat!
